The history of the voice recorder can be attributed to Thomas Edison and his phonograph foil be recycled while working on his telephone transmitter, it came with the idea of recording telephone conversations and then play the recording. After working on the idea for some time, has created the first phonograph, a cylinder mounted on a shaft and aluminum foil, wound so that the cylinder has been the recording surface. Its design is materialized in 1887 and Edison's phonograph wasJohn Kruesi built by the driver, the first speech ever recorded was the story "Mary had a little lamb" and the next day, Edison's invention was made at the offices of Scientific American. Even if it is absolutely amazing for its time, was the fact that an aluminum foil as a record of phonograms first was not very practical, because the foil is easily destroyed, the sound quality is bad, and the recordings can be played only a couple of times.
Edison's phonograph wasgreatly from another great scientist and inventor Alexander Graham Bell, who along with his staff, led by a wax cylinder recording, improved cylinder replaces the aluminum foil, was the sound of a steel pin, which recorded the waves sculpted in wax. Alexander Bell, Chichester Bell and Charles Sumner Tainter had built many experimental phonograph until the final model was built and patented, but also managed to build a cardboard cylinder, coated with waxserved as the basis for the cylinder records. The recording on wax, instead of drastically improving the quality of the film, sound recording may, for a period of recovery and play more.
In the early years of the twentieth century, had the American market, two large companies that had their own recording equipment - the Edison Company and Columbia Phonograph Company, and while the first Ediphone as a product, the latter marketed under the name of his Dictaphone. Both companies have been constantlyChanges and improvements to its products and the first hand-powered models were the last models, replace the engines and electric motors used watches.
WW2 brought inevitable changes for most of the industries and the Dictaphone was of course the military in the United States. This has led to a further improvement in recording technology and the introduction of a new recording interface - the belt vinyl! The newcomers on the market at this time decided to use soft vinylHard drives, and this was the birth of Audograph, which was developed by Gray Manufacturing Company. The end of the war of the early experiments in magnetic recording, which were then improved and practically a worldwide standard for digital recording has been possible to follow.
The digital recorder, which is now the most popular audio recording, through the improvement of computer technology and smaller memory chips. Digital voice recorders have many advantages over thepredecease technologies - once the sound is recorded, "jump" at any point of capture is not only possible, but done in a matter of seconds, as opposed to magnetic tapes and audio tapes, that a certain time to be transmitted rewind or has. In addition, audio-in can be used anywhere on the disk at a later time, the recording quality is superb, and large audio files can be stored in a physically small memory devices.